Running in the Midpack by Martin Yelling & Anji Andrews. Welcome to the midpack! Running pushes us, stretches us, asks us difficult questions, challenges us. It gives us space, calms us down, picks us up, boosts our energy, rewards, inspires and fulfils us.
Midpack runners – those who fall between the beginners and the elite – are the heartbeat and footsteps of the running community. Marathon Talk’s Martin Yelling and Anji Andrews share their expert knowledge, first-person stories and coaching ideas to nourish the midpackers’ running experience.
Following the Run Tall mantra, they want to cultivate your running progress and help you to become a healthy, happy and successful runner. I enjoyed this book (via Audible on my runs!), giving me a fresh perspective on running, and refresh our minds on why we run.
Other Book recommendations are available here.