Running in the summer is great! Those cold and dark days are behind you, pack away that head torch and base layers. Read my tips on how to make the most of the great weather to maximise your training:
1. Dress appropriately
Try not to overdress the summer, especially if it’s warm. Shorts and a running top/vest unless its forecast to rain 🙂. The last thing you’ll want to be doing is stopping to take off layers then having to carry them with you. If you’re unsure try doing a lap around the block first then you can stop at home to take off any layers. Consider sunglasses and lightweight hat/cap too which will keep the sun off your face.
2. Hydration
Consider taking a bottle or water and/or gel with you so you can take on fuel. Depending on the length and time of your run you’ll need to make sure you have enough. If you’re going long, consider a hydration backpack or taking a payment card/money with you to stop for fuel on your route. If you plan your route or do laps well you could hide a bottle which will there when you’re going past again.
3. Plan your route and time
Running during the middle of the day can be dangerous, when the sun (and temperature) is as its peak. If you’re running in a busy tourist area it’s also likely to be busier so you’ll spend more time getting out of the way and jumping in and off curbs.
Try to run earlier or later in the day when its cooler and theirs less people around.
4. Consider Bodyglide and Sun Cream
Bodyglide, my go to in the summer to avoid chafing. You can also use vaseline but bodyglide is more sweat resistant and messy with a handy stick style application! If the sun is beaming down apply sun cream on your face/neck/arms/legs. You’ll get a nice tan regularly running if you’re sensible, to avoid turning into a lobster.
5. Clean Clothes
You’re going to be sweating more when running in the summer months. Avoid reusing running clothes from your previous run and grab a fresh set, nobody wants to bump into a smelly runner 😉.
If you enjoyed this and looking for more advice, I recommend this article on stretching before a run. 😎