Well, here it goes… I have been running pretty consistently since 2005, 16 years at the time of writing this. It all started as a drunken bet, but we can get to that another time!
I have run distances from 5k up to a marathon and dabbled with a couple of Ironmen events. Throughout my time I have ran for different purposes – as a health kick, as a hobby, as part of a club, to be competitive and more recently through habit and mental resilience. Starting with my first event, a 2:25 half-marathon these are my current PBs.
- 5k – 16:55
- 10k – 35:07
- Half-Marathon – 1:17:38
- Marathon – 2:52
- Ironman – 10:56
I want to use this blog to share advice, recommendations and best practices so you can enjoy running and actively work to prevent injury to make you a happier, healthier runner. Over the years I have had my fair share and although not a doctor by any means I feel there are basics which may save you pain and heartache with your favourite pastime.
I don’t know where this blog will take me or for how long I will post to it for 🙂 I just want to enjoy the process of writing and sharing.
I don’t want to use this blog to preach what you should and should not do (after all I’m not a trained medical professional), but point give you pointers and things you should consider. Ultimately any self-care and remedial action largely comes down to the individual and how they act upon any advice.