The hardest part about running is breaking free from the day’s obligations. Consistency is tough and improvement takes time to run better!
Let technology take control and make yourself run faster. Can you make that bike computer or GPS watch work for you to make you run faster?
Running is better than cycling, full stop. Burn more energy, get stronger bones, avoid lycra and get off the beaten path easily!
Running fitness, how do you know where you stand? Here are some great running sessions to test your running fitness.
Recent research shows running motivation during the first part of […]
The Garmin Course feature is a great tool for planning, mapping and following new run routes, particularly if you're in a new area.
Zwift cycling provides an excellent virtual experience to beat the rubbish weather, meet your cycling buddies virtually or challenge yourself.
Strength and core work can be really beneficial for runners but can often be difficult around day to day life. Here's app to make life easier!
That stark realisation you have hamstring pain and may need to rest! Do you rest and seek advice or carry on hoping it goes away?
Whilst you're likely to be feeling pain with your injury I feel it's important to discuss the mental side of coping with a running injury.