Whilst you're likely to be feeling pain with your injury I feel it's important to discuss the mental side of coping with a running injury.
Make running on holiday work for you and those around you. Explore new areas and see things from a different perspective.
An excellent feature is custom Garmin workouts. This allows a more flexible interval training plan, using varying types of efforts & rest.
The health benefits of running are endless! Physical and mental health both benefit, which aid weight loss and reduces stress!
A great feature on Garmin watch is interval training. I find this great to build in straight forward interval sessions to push yourself.
Whilst I don't want to be a fun sponge if you are neglecting self-care between runs you may be asking for a running injury!
I found this talk from Stephen Seiler very relevant to
The Strength Running Podcast provides advice on preventing injuries, improving performance, getting stronger, and developing mental toughness.
Make running fun! I truly believe everybody is capable of overcoming these challenges, you just need to find a hook.