I’m going to cover a topic I’ve come to really value over the last year. Following the increase in working from home and less mobility I’ve needed to incorporate more stretching and in-particular yoga into my routine.

A simple yoga for runners routine loosens tight spots, strengthens weak areas, and makes you a better, less injury-prone runner. Recognising the benefits of yoga can have on both the runner’s body (improved flexibility, range of motion, muscular strength) and mind (more focus, less stress) is great to understand.

Why is running for yoga so important?

It’s no secret that runners develop tight hips, glutes, quads, and hamstrings. That repetitive running stride will create chronically tight areas, leaving you walking like a tin man in the mornings!

Yoga is the perfect activity for runners. It relieves soreness and tension in your hardworking muscles and restores range of motion so you can run better the next time you hit the road. A strong core reduces your risk of injury, keeps your running form in check, and helps prevent late-race fatigue.

Yoga will help build strength of all the core muscles, including those that lay deep within the body that crunches and other core work often don’t reach.

How often should I do yoga for runners?

A great yoga routine gives your body time to warm up, moves into deeper stretches to create flexibility and muscle release, and finishes with gentle movement and a long rest to allow the body time to integrate the work you’ve done.

I recommend yoga after a run or on a rest day. You need to be aware though, it’s likely to be uncomfortable at first but give it time. Ease into each position, and never push to the point of pain. As you continue to do this routine, you’ll notice the improvement and improved flexibility ?.

Yoga is accessible to everyone and is perfect to do in your own space if you’re self-conscious. Find a good Yoga for runners routine on YouTube and away you go!

Remember, consistency is key. So get into a good routine, find what works for you and reap the benefits! There is no silver bullet, it’ll take time and consistency! ?

Can you recommend any yoga for runners videos?

Well, yes I can – this is my go-to which I revisit every month or so to check in on my mobility. Here is the direct link.

For more help on stretching read my post on Running Stretches, how to loosen up before your run!.

Yoga for Runners